Reunion Stories

Undoubtedly the favorite part of my volunteering role in the Heritage Room is leading reunion groups of alumni around the campus. The interactions that inevitably ensues between alumni and me provide many laughs, poignant moments and triggers to long-forgotten incidents.

Last Thursday saw a dozen alumni from 1961-63 enjoying the campus under sunny skies and almost mild temperatures. There are several moments from that visit worth sharing and I’ll pick a couple of favorites. I remember from being here in the early 70’s that an important survival skill was knowing how to get back to one’s room after the quad was locked up. Clearly the practice of climbing in through a designated window from the back quad had been going on for a while. One of the alumni told a story of a certain music tutor whose duty included patrolling the quad buildings. BackQuadApparently he could often be found just inside the designated window, puffing on a cigarette and greeting boys as they climbed in, “Evening, Brother!” was his customary greeting.  “Had a good time, Brother?” Names were not taken but the warning was clear – don’t make a habit of this!

Due to a lecture in process, we weren’t able to go into Temple Hall to admire its 2014 refurbishments, so we used the facilities in the foyer and while some were resting or inspecting the plumbing, one gentleman obviously couldn’t resist taking a peek into Temple Hall. I’m sure he was the soul of discretion as he disappeared through the door into the hall for about half a minute, and when he re-emerged with a smile on his face, he came over to me to explain that he and his wife had met at a dance in Temple some 50+ years ago, adding that she had died just before Christmas, “I just had to be in there again.” Then it was my turn to need a sit down.

Reunion2aHeritage Trail tours are a mixture of revisiting old haunts and appreciating the modern facilities, and although visitors are wowed by recent improvements, the smile and nod count is highest as they look around the quad, the Windy Passage, chapels – old and new, and Heritage Room. It is strongly evident that alumni find it a source of great satisfaction and reassurance that the old college they remember is still here. It barely takes any effort to stand in the quad and transport oneself back to student days. I know. I’m lucky to be able to do it every week.


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