What is LinkedIn?

What is LinkedIn? It is a social network for professionals. It is for everyone to connect to their school and university friends, as well as their colleagues and bosses. Anyone from a small business owner to a CEO of a huge company can use it. For university students, it’s a great way to start networking with your friends and your lecturers.

LinkedIn is very similar to Facebook where you can ‘add connections’, like when make a ‘Friends Request’. You can also send someone a personal message, similarly to instant messaging. However, unlike Facebook you can add all of your employment, work and volunteering experiences, just like on you CV. You can add more detail than a CV though, going into more depth of your responsibilities and achievements. This profile is public to anyone using LinkedIn, so you might be able to catch an employer’s eye, so make sure you keep this profile up to date!

By connecting with your friends, you can also support one another. LinkedIn has a great feature where you can specify what skills you have. You can also endorse skills too, meaning you believe someone has that certain skill. This means you and your friends can endorse each other’s skill and help each other get up the career ladder. You can also write recommendations for each other too, so you can let the world know how wonderful you think your friend is!

LinkedIn is also a great way of finding a job. Much like sites like Indeed or Monster, LinkedIn has a page where job postings are displayed. Here you can apply to the job directly, sending the employer your CV and cover letter. Or you can change your settings so employers can see on your profile that you are seeking employment. This way, employers can get in contact with you if they think you are the right candidate for their job!

On LinkedIn, you can also build your experience. By having a strong profile, you are more likely to get looked at by employers. But LinkedIn also has its own blogging platform! This means anyone can publish blog posts about certain topics or news which is relevant to them. Blog posts that you have written will show up on your profile and your connections can comment and like these posts, much like statues and posts on Facebook. By writing blog posts in a specific field, such as finance, you are adding to your credibility. Employers and other LinkedIn users can also see these posts and will be able to see what you can offer their employment field.

So if you’re struggling to find jobs, or just want another way to network and connect with people, try LinkedIn!

Charlotte Brindley | Careers Ambassador | YSJ

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