How to find a job using social media [Guest Post | Type A Media]

Your online presence is everything, and it can also be the key to you unlocking your dream job. Current technology combined with the number of people applying for jobs means that it only makes sense to have the majority of the application process happen online. Forget job adverts in the local paper; the internet has become one massive job board. So if you are searching for a new workplace, why not learn how to find a job using social media? You might be surprised by what you discover…

#1 Brand24

It’s likely that you have heard of this tool before, especially in relation to business social media profiles and their management. It is true that it is primarily used by businesses, but it can also be the ideal tool for job seekers. You can stick your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles onto one dashboard, and this allows you to track mentions and insights across them all. You can search for specific people, track hashtags, and even keep an eye on your top companies. The fact that all the information comes in real-time gives you the chance to respond to potential employers quickly, maximising your chances of success.

#2 Hootsuite

With this tool, you are also able to have your social media profiles loaded together on one dashboard, which makes viewing insights and general management a whole lot easier for you. Everything is clearly labelled and easy to find, which allows you to streamline your workflow and efficiently manage the amount of time you spend on each account. There is also the option to use the hashtag tracking tool to monitor job search related content; meaning that you are always updated with the latest information. Best of all, it is a freemium tool, so you don’t have to spend a penny. Of course, there is content that is charged for, but this is optional.


These letters stand for If This Then That, and it is a connection tool that can help you to keep everything flowing with minimal effort. It works with your apps and devices to get them working together to keep things connected, and you updated. There are so many extra features, it might leave your head spinning, but once you take the time to get to know the software and how it works, it’s nothing but smooth sailing. One of the really handy features is the job-hunting reminder, which motivates you as well as keeps you on track.

#4 Clear

This particular tool was designed with one goal in mind; protecting your privacy. It works quickly and effectively, scouring all of your social media profiles (including the big three; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). When the results come in, the tool will let you know if there is anything in your public feed that an employer might find alarming or work against you in your application. Once this has been highlighted, you can take the appropriate action to ensure that there is nothing that can reduce your chances.

Why bother with this? Well, aside from the fact that most people don’t bother to read the privacy policy for the social media platforms they sign up to, there is one glaring reason. Your potential employers are going to be looking at your social media and researching you, so you need to ensure that you are putting across the best image of yourself to those that will be employing you. It’s something we are all warned about, but just don’t see happening.

#5 Buffer

This tool is very similar to some of the others we have looked at here in that you can connect all of your social media accounts together in one place. The free account that you start with allows for one profile per platform to be hooked up to the dashboard, and you are allowed to store ten posts for each profile. What you can do with this is schedule great and engaging content that will impress the companies you want to work for most. You can target them, get the tool to retweet/repost their content, and really draw attention to yourself in all the right ways.

#6 LinkedIn

Out of all the social media platforms, this is the one you need to find a job. It acts like the job boards, but also a standard social networking site. You can browse through posts from major brands and small businesses alike to try and find a position that works for you. Bets of all? You can send your application through there and then, which makes everything that much faster. There is also the share button, which is connected to platforms like Facebook and Twitter, so that you can share your applications and job requests across multiple sites.

Your LinkedIn profile will also contain all of your work history, qualifications, projects, and other information/experience that might help you get a job. It is essentially an online CV that potential employers can read through easily to see if they are interested in you. Plus, you can send out connection requests to people within your chosen industry or company, including the owners and recruitment officers, in hopes that they accept your invitation. If they do, this gives you an opportunity to speak with them and let them know who you are, why you love their company, and what makes you the perfect fit. It’s bold, but it often works.

LinkedIn, like other social media platforms, does take a lot of time out of your day, and so having a tool that can automate the process and keep everything up to date in half the time is massively important. Linkedhelper is a tool that does just this, allowing you to manage every aspect of your account from one dashboard, send multiple messages at once, and even manage your connections without the hassle. It is a great way to automatically endorse those you are connected with, and even create new personalisations for when you send requests out to new people. It’s the perfect way to boost your job searching and save a lot of time.

#7 Jarvee

This is another great social media tool, and it can connect all of your social media accounts together for post scheduling, tracking, and general analytics. However, it is really good for Twitter, especially for scheduling tweets so that you can reach a wider audience of potential employers and companies that you are interested in working for. You can build your follower base so that you appear more reputable and official to those that might want to hire you, and generally use it to get real-time updates so that you always stay in touch with the community.

Craig Campbell has made fantastic review about this tool you can read here

To Conclude…

If there is one thing this handy guide should have shown you, it’s that there is more to the process of job hunting with social media than meets the eye. These little tips and tricks have been designed to give you the perfect advantage over the competition, and the extra effort that you are putting in, as a result, is sure to pay off as well as be noticed. Social networking sites dominate the internet, and they come in so many different forms that it isn’t just for staying in touch with friends and family anymore – it goes a lot deeper. Utilising your social media, making sure there is nothing that could put an employer off your application, and perfect maintenance are the ingredients for success.

If you are interested to read further about social media:  20 + Instagram tools you can’t live without

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