
Forced perspective

Frame in a frame

Long exposure

Shallow depth of field



For the photography task, I had to produce six specific pictures that were listed in the assignment brief and use photoshop to modify or enhance the images to show knowledge of using the software. I decided that I would focus on nature as the main setting for the photos as this provides me with a wider range of subjects that I could photograph as part of the task.

I planned to go to the Museum Gardens as that would be the base of my shots, providing me with different types of natural surroundings that I could use to gain a different perspective on each photo. While finding a spot for the forced perspective photo I decided I would enlist the help of a course mate to pose for against a tree, creating the illusion of size comparison between the course mate and the tree, this would still class as nature as the surrounding area and main focus of the picture is the nature of the gardens compared to the stature of an average sized man.

I decided to have nature as my main theme after doing some research into the topic, using “The Complete Guide to Nature Photography: Professional Techniques for capturing Digital images of nature and wildlife” By Sean Arbabi. This helped me in planning my reflective and long exposure shot, allowing me to focus all the attention on the centered image.

I gained inspiration for the reflection, frame in a frame and shallow depths of field by searching for nature pictures online and searching through previous photographs I had taken to help navigate and focus my attention on certain aspects of the framing. I gained inspiration for the forced perspective shot from many famous landmarks where people have performed the same illusion, with the most famous being the leaning tower of Pisa where people would pose to make it seem they are pushing the tower to make it tilt on its side.

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