York Travel Vlog

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York Travel Vlog – 2nd Year University Project

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Reflective Writing

We were working as a large group for this task so preparation and effective communication was key to ensuring we kept to schedule and produced high quality work. Martingell (2008) suggests that when shooting outside in windy conditions, a gun mic with a fluffy on is the safest option but you have to ensure that the headphones fit correctly. This is as it will be hard to balance the audio with the sound of the wind howling around as well. I kept this research in mind when we was out filming as we faced windy conditions and used the recommended equipment with the headphones tightly secured to my head. There was still a slight issue with wind in the background at the start however this research abled me to reduce the impact that wind can have on the audio and I will ensure I am prepared for filming in the wind again.

Martingell, Chapter 15 (2008) explores the importance of carrying kits correctly for crews as failure to do so can lead to injuries such as a bad back. This was important to be prepared for as we were carrying a lot of equipment on shooting days such as the track and the JIB. Everyone has their own limitations on what they will feel comfortable carrying so it was important to ensure everyone was happy. We were however in a large group so carrying the equipment did not prove to be difficult.

As this was a travel Vlog we would be filming in various locations so preparation was key to ensure operations ran smoothly. Worthington (2009) suggests that shooting on any private or public location requires permission which should be negotiated with the owners in advance. I contacted the York Minster and Museum Gardens to ensure we had permission to film which was granted by the owners. This allowed us to solely focus our time on getting the content we needed on shooting days, rather than being distracted by other factors. As a crew we ensured that we respected the locations and left them in the condition we found them.


Martingell, P. (2008) Better Location Shooting: Techniques For Video Production, Amsterdam, Routledge.

Worthington, C. (2009) Producing, London, AVA Publishing, Pg.46-47.

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