C100 / 77D Comparison Video


Reflecting Writing

This task demonstrated to me what it is like to experience an on-set situation with a short deadline. The objective was to film a comparison video in just a two hour slot which was new to me as I had not filmed in a high pressure situation like this before. It was difficult to set up all the equipment, shoot and return the equipment for the deadline however we collaborated well as a team to do so.I ensured that I favoured simplification in contrast to elaboration for tasks as this is an important working rule when working under pressure according to Friend (2005). This was key in ensuring that we were productive with our time. This situation was a learning experience for me however I feel that I responded well to the pressure and will aim to be more ambitious in future tasks.

If I were to do this task again I would ensure that I am more prepared for the production stage. We were given the information for the task the night before so our group researched the qualities between the two cameras to compare. I was acting within the video so I ensured that I familiarised myself with the information we researched so I could speak confidently and manage our limited production time efficiently. In hindsight I should’ve prepared a script, this would’ve made the production stage a lot easier. It was difficult to articulate what we had researched in a high pressure situation.

Despite this I felt the production stage was successful. I went in to the session with a positive state of mind as I read ‘Although no secret formula for success exists, a thorough understanding of production principles and a positive attitude toward the overall production process is certainly helpful.’ as quoted by Gorham (2009). It is important to be positive in a stressful situation as I found when we was struggling to remember how to set up the slider correctly as well as the rest of the equipment in a confined space. In contrast Gorham (2009) also states ‘The first law of production is Murphy’s law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.’ So although it is important to be positive you have to be prepared for mistakes, as I was when it inevitably occurred.



Kindem, Gorham (2009) Introduction to Media Production: The Path to Digital Media Production, Focal, London.

J.Friend, A.Hicking (2005) Planning Under Pressure Third Edition, Routledge, Abingdon, Pg.211.

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