YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

UK Advising and Tutoring Recognition – An Introduction


Colleagues who put a lot of time and effort into academic advising and personal tutoring may wish to seek recognition for their efforts. YSJ is an institutional member of an sector-wide organisation called UK Advising & Tutoring (UKAT) which offers three levels of recognition and runs cohorts throughout the year. As part of our institutional […]

Inclusive Practice – Supporting International Students

HG/137 Holgate, York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Hosted by Meg, Jake and Kate who are programme tutors in the International Office, this two-hour workshop will explore ways in which colleagues may be able to reconceptualise aspects of their practice to become more inclusive, with a specific focus on working with international students.   Did you know that YSJ has approximately 6% undergraduate students […]

Creating Academic Posters

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Are you thinking of applying to present your work at a conference? Poster presentations are an exciting alternative to the conventional conference paper, allowing you to share your research in an engaging and eye-catching format. In the first half of this workshop, you'll be introduced to some of the IT tools and techniques that will […]

Using the Researcher Development Framework for your career progression

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Dr Charlotte Haines Lyon This session will introduce the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) planner to participants and look at how researchers can use it to help aid their career progression. Learning Outcomes: 1) Participants will understand what the RDF planner is and how to access it. 2) Participants will understand how to […]

Data Management for Researchers


This session is an introduction to research data management. We’ll cover the basics of research data management, data management plans and the benefits of effective research data management. We’ll also look at open data repositories and what you need to consider when sharing and making research data open. Learning outcomes: - Understand the basic of […]

Introduction to Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Dr Daniel Madigan In this session, I aim to provide a summary of meta-analysis for those unfamiliar with this analytical approach. I hope to cover: (1) what meta-analysis is, (2) the types of questions that can be answered with meta-analysis, (3) how to conduct meta-analyses, and (4) what software is available to do so. […]

How to be your own best supervisor with Dr Vikki Burns: the PhD Life Coach


Do you get overwhelmed, procrastinate or worry that you’re not good enough? Tell yourself that you can’t get done all the things that you have to do but also feel like you’re not doing enough? Find yourself wondering what you’ve actually done this week? Don’t worry, it’s totally normal. It’s normal for PhD students and […]

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and your research

HG/139 York St John University, Lord Mayor's Walk, York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Professor Esther McIntosh   EDI and your research: valuing diversity and inclusion   The research environment is becoming increasingly diverse which is really good news, but inclusion and accessibility don't happen by chance. So how can you consciously contribute to a positive research environment for everyone? To help you on your way, this […]

Professional Recognition: An Introduction to HEA Fellowship (Cohort 12, Option 1)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Do you want to know how to gain HEA Fellowship? This session is for those people who want to know about the practicalities to enable them gain Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will be aware of the timelines and routes available to enable them to make a claim […]

Using gatekeepers to recruit and manage participants

On campus - TBC

Facilitator: Dr Sharon Jagger, Lecturer in Religion, School of Humanities, Religion and Philosophy & Chair of school ethics panel This session is aimed at staff whose research is people-centred and supervisors of PGRs doing people-centred research. The term 'gatekeeper' can be interpreted in several ways and some new to research find this can be a […]

Professional Recognition: An Introduction to HEA Fellowship (Cohort 12, Option 2)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Do you want to know how to gain HEA Fellowship? This session is for colleagues who want to know about the practicalities to enable them gain Associate, Fellow or Senior Fellow status. By the end of the session, participants will be aware of the timelines and routes available to enable them to make a claim for […]

Introduction to RaY – YSJ’s research repository


Session facilitator: Ruth Mardall, Library and Learning Services RaY is York St John's institutional repository service which exists to store, showcase and share the University's research output. This session will provide an introduction to RaY and what it's used for. Learning outcomes: By the end of the session, participants will: Know what RaY is Be able […]