YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Staying Motivated

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Extended periods of research and writing can be exhausting, lonely, or demoralising. This session will encourage you to get back on track when you feel stuck. We will discuss ways […]

Using Questionnaires in Research

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Session facilitator: Rev. Professor Andrew Village This is a session for anyone who wondering whether or not to use questionnaires in their research. It looks at the pros and cons […]

The Conversation Media Training with Avery Anapol


We will explain how The Conversation works, the benefits of writing for the public and how to go about it. Learn how to consider the news potential of your expertise, […]

Academic Promotions 2023: Writing Retreat


This hybrid session will be delivered face-to-face on the York Campus and online via MS Teams. The session is designed to be a highly practical one, giving attendees the time […]

Women’s Staff Network Academic Promotions workshop

HG/147 Holgate building, York St John University, York

Following the University’s successful Athena SWAN Bronze Award earlier this year, one of the University's Athena SWAN actions is focused on supporting female academic colleagues with their promotion aspirations. In […]

Managing Distressed Students Training

SK/128 Skell Building, York St John University, York, United Kingdom

This session will concentrate on practical ways for colleagues to engage with, and reduce, a student’s distress. During the session, participants will: • Explore the nature of distress • Look […]

AdvanceHE Events Portfolio 2022-23

Various , United Kingdom

AdvanceHE's new events portfolio for 2022-23 celebrates good practice and development to support sustainable teaching excellence. The focus on enhancing all aspects of teaching and learning remains a critical issue […]

PAD clinic: Action Research – A participatory approach to social justice

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

Facilitator: Dr Joan Walton  RDF Indicator: A1 Programme: Staff Continuous Professional Development Programme 22/23 Theme: Institute for Social Justice (ISJ) PAD clinic Session Overview: This session will include an exploration […]