Artefact 5: Interview with Graphics

Interview with Graphics 


This task proved one of the most challenging for multiple reasons: it was the first time I had any experience with using lighting, the risk assessment was much more complicated as a result of this and the lighting equipment also resulted in challenges regarding setting up, camera placement and how well we could carry out the task in general.

After receiving the tutorial and tech demonstration for the lighting equipment (a Dedo Kit), I felt I could quite competently use the equipment. However, when carrying out the practise task I learnt there can be other complications, such as spacing difficulties, ensuring the lighting set up cannot be seen in shot and it isn’t too bright for the subject to handle but is still having the desired affects. The latter was a very crucial factor which we should have taken into account much more when booking a room for the task; as the room, we booked had plenty of space but turned out to be a central part that many people were walking through, therefore we had to find another room and quickly in order to not waste time any time. Therefore, the room we ended up in was not brilliant. As it was a primary education room, there was art displays scattered around, sinks lining the window sill and a limited supply of awkwardly placed plug sockets. We did eventually decide upon where to film and begin setting up the lighting equipment but it was still very cramped even after moving and rearranging tables. The main thing I learnt from this is to always check out a location before deciding that is where will film shoot, especially when lighting is involved because you need to ensure there is plenty of plug sockets around and it is safe to trail cables without obstructing lots of people or possibly causing injuries (through tripping slipping etc.)

The addition of the lighting set also added new challenges when conducting the risk assessment. We had to have more spatial awareness in order to ensure the equipment and the crew were not harmed in anyway. There also had to be a lot more communication between the crew as one person could not change the lighting and simultaneously see the effect it was having on the chosen shot. I feel this task definitely improved my communication skills a lot, it was vital that we set the lighting up in 45 minutes as we had arranged for our guest to come at that time and we did not want to seem unprofessional and change that, so in order to get n prepared in time the 3 of us had to discuss what effect the lighting was having, how we wanted to change that and the overall look we were going for and I think we did that successfully.

Interview with graphics from Elisha Holt on Vimeo.

Risk Assessment for Interview task


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