Video Vox Pop


Rationale under cut

With this task I believe I followed the brief very well, the finished article is exactly two minutes and contains 7 people who contributed their thoughts and opinions on the topic I asked about, also their responses offer a non-biased view. I wanted to keep this video quite light-hearted and therefore I asked what people think the key to happiness is, if they believe there really is one. This question offered a chance for people to answer honestly and give a good amount of insight into leading a happier life. Around the time of completing this task, I was just about getting to grips with using Premiere Pro in more creative ways rather than just putting some clips together and adding music. Although the editing on this video is very simple, I do not think that is a bad thing. The video comes across as very calm, relaxed and happy and that is exactly what I wanted to attain with the editing.

As I was asking people about their views on happiness, there was always the potential for people to react badly as you never know what is going on in someone’s life. For example; one man who we interviewed said he is not happy that much anymore after his wife died, this came as a big shock to our group as everyone else we had previously interviewed did not give us that level of insight into their life. We were filming around the centre of York, as beautiful and packed with tourists as the city is, it did propose some problems. We made the mistake of not heavily researching into where we could and could not film, this ended up with our group being kindly asked to move away from directly outside the Minster as apparently you are not allowed to film with that building in shot. This proved to be extremely difficult as the Minster is visible from everywhere in York city centre. I think there are many things that could have been done better; interviewing more people to gather more thoughts and opinions and deeper research into where people are allowed to film. I could have gathered more shots of York to show that it is not just the Minster and that there is so much more to York than one building.

Upon reflection, I could have edited this video very differently and ended up with a much faster paced video with exciting graphics and much more to look. However, most of the time, less is more. I am very happy with the finished article as I think it demonstrates how effective simple editing can be.

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