What is Grammar?

Communication is key...

Whether you’re talking to a friend in the street, calling your boss on the phone or emailing a company about your most recently purchased products you’re using Grammar to communicate.

So you’re probably wondering how that relates to your child?

Well it has actually been proven that a knowledge of Grammar has helped improve several aspects of a child’s life…

Why do we need Grammar?

Improved Concentration

The ability to understand what other people are communicating to you is enabled through the understanding of Grammar. This therefore improves concentration because if a child finds it easier to understand they are more likely to pay attention.

Relationship Building

The freedom of language gives the freedom of communication. Research has proven explicit teaching methods of grammar can help to improve expressive skills in children.

Learning Difficulties
Research suggests that children with learning difficulties such as dyslexia can show signs of improvement in their language skills if they are taught the basics of grammar as their understanding in language is improved.
Social Interaction
To develop in life, every child needs to have the ability to express their feelings, thoughts and emotions - a knowledge of grammar gives them the freedom to communicate all of these aspects.
Life Skills

To develop into a fully communicating adult a child must master listening, reading, writing and speaking. All of these aspects are only attainable after gaining a knowledge of grammar.

Across the board

If a child has an understanding of language they can apply this to all subjects in school, not just English, which means what they want to communicate can be delivered more clearly. 

Is your child struggling to identify key grammatical concepts? We have basic definitions to help you explain key terms to them...