Graduate: Niamh Johnson


English Language & Linguistics BA (Hons) 

Graduated in 2018 

Currently living in China, teaching English to middle school students.


My 3 years at York St John studying within the School of Languages and Linguistics was a great experience. The lecturers and staff within the school are some of the kindest and most supportive you’ll find – they are always willing to provide honest and constructive feedback on work and they’re also just great people to chat to about everyday things and sometimes go for lunch with. I highly recommend you get to know the lecturers as they can help you out with so much and give some really amazing career and education advice.

you can customise your topics and experience to suit your career path or interests.”

The modules in the course have a great selection too – you can customise your topics and experience to suit your career path or interests. Knowing I was aiming for a career in English language teaching I undertook some TESOL related modules, but I also didn’t want to miss out on exploring other linguistic fields that I enjoy such as identities, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Speech and Language Pathology. This degree gave me this option – it’s just a really great way to try a bunch and find out where your interests do lie.

This really makes you question and solidify your own thoughts and opinions and makes you critically look at so many everyday linguistic choices which relate to race, sex, gender and politics.”

Language and Identities and Language and Sexuality were both incredibly interesting and rewarding modules to study as we had the opportunity to discuss so many relevant yet controversial topics surrounding personal identity, performance of identity and reactions to identity variation. They are both really great modules which give you the opportunity to explore varying opinions on the topics. This really makes you question and solidify your own thoughts and opinions and makes you critically look at so many everyday linguistic choices which relate to race, sex, gender and politics. My final Language and Identities paper analysed the racial identity in Dave Chappelle’s stand-up routines.



Click here to see an example of Niamh’s research – Diversity in the Classroom.

Contact: Niamh Johnson


Click here to find out more about English Language & Linguistics BA (Hons) via the York St John University website.