Semester one module: Key Concepts for TESOL

Welcome to the Key Concepts for TESOL page! This module introduces you to TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) as an academic discipline and a profession. It lays some theoretical foundations for reflective professional practice as an English teacher in diverse local and global contexts. It also offers an insight into socio-political ideologies and common misconceptions about language(s) that have shaped the inequalities that prevail in English teaching, from subject matter to teaching methods.


As a starting point for thinking about some of the key theoretical concepts in TESOL introduced in this module, please read Chris Hall’s article for teachers ‘Moving beyond accuracy: from tests of English to tests of ‘Englishing’’.


Once you have completed the reading, please attempt one or both of the following tasks:

1. Hall (2014, p. 377) declares that he is “not arguing for ‘standard’ varieties to be abandoned as targets in all learning contexts”. Make a list of: (a) the advantages of learning Standard English for non-native speakers; and (b) the disadvantages of having Standard English as the only learning target.

2. Imagine you are teaching a class of adult learners of English, in a country of your choice. Design a homework activity which will help your students develop appropriate ‘Englishing’ practice for the Test of Interactive English (discussed by Hall, 2014, p. 383).



Hall, C. J. (2014). Moving beyond accuracy: from tests of English to tests of ‘Englishing’. ELT Journal, 68(4), 376-385