English Language, Linguistics and TESOL

Picture of Dr Kate Whisker-Taylor
Dr Kate Whisker-Taylor

Hello and welcome!

My name is Dr Kate Whisker-Taylor, I am a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and the Programme Lead for Linguistics and TESOL. I wanted to welcome you to York St John University, the School of Education, Language and Psychology and your chosen degree programme. We have a number of different resources and activities for you to look at within these welcome pages that will give you an idea of what you will be studying, our teaching team and what it is like to be a student on our programmes. I am looking forward to meeting you all in September.

Very best wishes,


Kate Whisker-Taylor


You have a fixed diet of three modules in your first semester.  You will be taking the following modules.  Please click on each link to find out about the pre-course information for each module.  There are some optional tasks for you to complete; doing these tasks before week 1 is not essential, but it will help you prepare yourself for the first few weeks of your programme.

Introduction to Language and Linguistics

Key Concepts for TESOL

Semantics and Pragmatics


You can find out more information about your programme by taking a look at the validated document, which you can find here.