Vegan For a Day as a Picky Eater

Veganism is a huge topic all over social media for the health benefits and the protection of animals. However, for someone who is a picky eater who has a span of about six different meals they like to eat, all of which include some form of meat or dairy, the thought of going vegan seems somewhat impossible. The people who show the transition of veganism always make the change look so easy but the food they choose to substitute foods to make it include no animal products is never something I’d choose to eat.  So, I’m going to see how hard it would really be to have a complete diet change.

Before I started this challenge, I decided I would do some research on the types of vegan meals. Straight away I found it very difficult, even though living in a city that does have vegan restaurants and cafes, finding something that I would like was another story. 

      For breakfast i’d usually eat cereal or something on toast, I decided on beans on toast just without the butter as most baked beans are vegan and quite a lot of bread is already vegan without changing any of its ingredients. So overall breakfast was pretty simple as I didn’t have to change what I was eating just minus one thing that you don’t really need anyway.

For lunch, I was out in town, so I wanted to know what it would be like to try and find something on the go. I remembered about the huge excitement around the new Greggs vegan sausage roll, and went so viral that many of the shops were completely sold out of them, I thought this would be a great opportunity to try out the famous sausage roll. The sausage roll its self wasn’t that bad and I think that if you didn’t know there would be a chance that you wouldn’t notice the difference. However, once you know and you’re looking for a difference and picking out anything possible. I wouldn’t say that it was horrible I don’t think the taste is much difference just the texture of the ‘sausage’ its self is a little off, which is one of the main factors in my picky eating is that textures of food really bother me.

Finding something was tea was a lot more difficult then I thought it would be. I thought most of the no meat section would be vegan but most of them still included milk and eggs, so they weren’t vegan. I finally found two ready meals that were close to what I’d have most nights, no’chic nuggets and dirty fries. The nuggets did sort of resemble chicken tastes just with a sight different after taste and the dirty fries just tasted like normal fries just with sauce. I do think this could substitute chicken for people wanting to change as it was similar and is something I would eat again.

Overall, I think going vegan for anyone would take a long time to get used the transition of going vegan. I also think if someone as picky as me wanted to have this diet change it would take a lot of trail and error to get it right.



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