Marcia Pearson

Media Production: Journalism Student at York St John University

Student Union Elections

Contextualising Statement

Within this task, the main thing I achieved was experience working with a client to meet a client brief provided by the Student Union. Consistency was important throughout, making sure our finished product looked like the other students. I gained important skills by having a time restriction to film, edit and send off the final video.

We had to meet our interviewee independently and within 30 minutes, hopefully making them comfortable enough to talk to us and answering the questions we had prepared. “You get greater reliance on the open questions to get them talking” (Harcup, 2015).

The main problem our group encountered was that the final client we were supposed to be interviewing didn’t show up. This meant we had to be fast thinking and use our initiative to handle the situation in the best way possible. We achieved this by splitting into two groups – Group 1 staying in the studio to set up the equipment in case the client did show, meaning we were ready to go with the remaining time; and Group 2 going to the Student Union to wait for the client with the chance they were running late. This showed us handling the situation well, with contingency plans.

Being our first project after we’d been taught 3 point lighting, it was something we wanted to achieve correctly. We used a backlight as it “outlines the subject, separates them from the background and gives the subject more shape and depth” (Brown, 2019).


Brown, B (2019). Motion picture & video lighting for cinematographers, gaffers & lighting technicians. 3rd ed. London: Routledge.

Harcup, T (2015). Journalism: Principles and Practice. 3rd ed. London: SAGE.

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