Short Film Task – Applied Production Skills

For this task, I was the director and I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this team as we all worked together very well. The idea creating came easy for us as we all had similar ideas and were able to bounce ideas off each other. There wasn’t much disagreement during this time and we all developed the ideas very quickly so Andrew could write the script.

When filming day arrived, the weather really played into our hands as we wanted overcast and rainy and we got just that so we didn’t have to colour grade in editing. one problem we did run into was the public ringing the police as there was “a body down by the river”, despite us having full filming equipment. However, they were very understanding and let us get on with the filming.

The actors were part of our team so they understood the concept of the film and how we wanted them to act and perform in the film.We wanted to be careful as the main character was suffering from mental health problems and didn’t want to portray it badly but Andrew played it perfectly and played it very respectfully.

The final edit came out really well and it was exactly what we wanted. it’s very dark but tells the story very well. The title is very fitting for the film as the story is that the main character kills people to make the voices in his head be quiet , thus being called “Killing for Silence.” The story is very dark and very mysterious so we wanted to reflect that in the edit and in the colouring of the footage, we were very lucky that the day was dark when we filmed so didn’t have to do much, in terms of colour, in post production. 

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