Category: Social Media


Technology to replace face-to-face teaching?

Initially when I started to work within higher education I continued to apply the strategies and techniques I had used within the primary classroom to my higher education sessions. It was not long before I realised that, even though the basic learning theories still apply, there was a uniqueness to learning and teaching within higher education that I had not been aware off.


How #YSJURC Was Won

The student-led Undergraduate Research Conference took place on Wednesday 22 October 10-4pm in De Grey Court, and celebrated a variety of undergraduate research which has recently taken place at York St John University. This year, in order...

Image of the Twitter logo on the left and a tablet screen on the right also displaying the Twitter logo. 2

A sceptics guide to Twitter

First, a disclaimer: I make no claim to know what I’m talking about. I have never used twitter, and am looking at it to consider whether I should bother or not. My initial reaction...