Technology Enhanced Learning Blog


Mahara Upgrade

Mahara is the University’s e-Portfolio system. It can be accessed directly from Moodle, by clicking on explore > e-Portfolio, or by typing this address into your web-browser: On Tuesday 21st January we will be upgrading from Mahara 1.4 to...


A-Z Tools & Technologies: Jorum

What is Jorum? Jorum is the UK’s national digital repository for Open Educational Resources (OERs) or in layman’s terms, it’s a place where you can get loads of free teaching resources. How does it...


Breakfast Cafe: Screencasting and Podcasting

Screencasts and Podcasts are a great way to provide engaging learning resources to students, whether it’s explaining assessment criteria, summarising the key points of a lecture, or providing video demonstrations. This morning’s Breakfast Cafe saw us...


Helix Media Library User Group 2013

On Friday 29th November I headed down to London Metropolitan Uni for the annual Helix Media Library (HML) User Group meeting. This was my 2nd trip to the User Group meeting, last year I...