59 Search results

For the term "moodle monday".
Twitter logo inside a blue and white spiral 0

Introducing the #YSJ10DoT Game

Introduction to the #YSJ10DoT game! 10 Days of Twitter, or #YSJ10DoT, starts on Monday 18th April 2016, so there are a few days left to sign up if you want to participate along with other users....

5 Days of EMA & TurnItIn

5 Days of EMA & TurnItIn

Welcome to 5 Days of Assessment and Feedback with TurnItInUK The assessment life-cycle is fundamentally an academic framework for viewing the assessment and feedback process in its entirety. It shows a high level view of...

Register for #YSJ10DoT

Register for #YSJ10DoT

The next #YSJ10DoT  runs from Monday 16 April – Friday 27 April 2018. To register to participate, sign up to this blog by entering your email in the ‘Subscribe to Blog by Email’ box...

Schedule for #YSJ10DoT

Schedule for #YSJ10DoT

The next #YSJ10DoT  runs from Monday 16 April – Friday 27 April 2018. Details of how to register can be found here: http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/moodle/register-for-ysj10dot/ Schedule Day 1 – Creating and personalising your Twitter account Day 2...

10 Days of Twitter #YSJ10DoT

10 Days of Twitter #YSJ10DoT

Welcome to Ten Days of Twitter, or as it’s called in twitterspeak, #YSJ10DoT ! Ever wondered if Twitter might be a useful tool for enhancing your teaching & learning, or developing your personal learning...

Picture of the anatomy of an Open Badge 0

Open Badges II

On Monday I attended the White Rose Learning Technologists (WRLT) forum meeting at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). This special edition WRLT meeting was a change from the usual format as it was all about...