The Harsh reality of the working world of Media for students 

 I interviewed two grad students, Emma Dorsett and Stuart Mill, who both went to Lincoln University, Emma is currently about to graduate her Masters, they both studied Media. 

One of the students I spoke to studied; ‘BA (hons) Film and Television Studies’, whereas, the other studied; ‘BA (hons) Media Production’. 

I spoke to them about both of their courses and asked what they learnt about the working world of media, one grad student said, ‘it taught me that there are a lot of possible different paths to take in the media industry’. Then I asked the student who is about the graduate her Masters and she said; ‘it didn’t really teach us about the working world, but it provided us with the practical skills necessary to start a career in the industry’. Some media courses at certain universities do not teach you how to get into the industry. 

I also asked what they hoped to get out of the courses they studied, Stuart said; ‘The required skills, knowledge and experience to start a career in the media industry’. Emma said something very similar; ‘chance to gain experience in, and speak to people, from the industry’. There are amazing opportunities with universities that give you experience to have a career in the industry. 

It is extremely difficult to get into the industry straight after university as Emma said; ‘Difficult, especially if you love outside of London’, Stuart also agreed that it is hard; ‘Extremely difficult. You have to be located in the correct part of the country and have prior experience’. Studies show that being in big cities like London or New York, you have more of a chance to get a career in the Media industry, as all of the big networking companies are there; Buzzfeed, Hearst Magazines and many more.  

They both have given advice for students in the media industry, Emma said; ‘Prepare for a precarious career- especially in the beginning. Get experience as a runner while you are still at university’.  Stuart said; ‘Go out and get experience while studying at university, any chance that you can get’. Many university students are too afraid to go out in the world and be a runner or grab opportunities, but most companies want and need that which is the best way to get in the industry, start at the bottom and work your way to the top.

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