
She wondered why people still defined them small gestures. A word at the right time, a caress, a smile, a kind gesture. She believed that kind and discreet gestures were never small, she found the were precious and extraordinary. Then again most people considered important the things that she always found superfluous. Flowers on Valentine’s Day, Christmas presents, engagement rings. People labelled their feelings as if they couldn’t be true without definition and public recognition. She never needed labels for anything, and less of all she needed to label her feelings. She knew what was true and what wasn’t, and there was anything truer than the way she felt when he held her in his arms. She was happy to leave labels to other people. Very happy.2016-03-29 22.51.16

Ordinary People

Caring is not enough for most people. It is for her: if she cares she fights, she uses all of her patience, she stays, she shows. She doesn’t know where this is going, she doesn’t even know where is she going for all it matters, but she knows she can’t throw such happiness in the bin only because she makes a big deal of her fears, and mostly she can’t give it up because of the ghosts she bring with her everywhere she goes.
