Student Perspectives

We asked some of our students to talk about their experiences of studying OT here at YSJ. Take a look…

Francine Glendale

Francine photo

Studying Occupational Therapy part-time is fantastic, as it allows for me to continue working in my practice setting, whilst undertaking my studies. Since starting, I have been able to apply learning from the course to my daily practical role of Occupational Therapy Assistant; the course has helped to increase my confidence and inform my practice as a practitioner.

With the course taking 5 years to complete, the pace at which you are introduced to new modules is slower than would be expected on the full-time course; you often find yourself studying one module at a time, rather than studying several simultaneously, which can be less demanding! This, I believe, has reduced the risk of me becoming overwhelmed and has allowed for me to learn at a relatively relaxed pace.

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A History of Occupational Therapy Education in York

We asked Emeritus Professor, Chris Mayers to outline the history of OT at York St John. Here’s what she had to say…


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My task: to summarise 53 years of occupational therapy education in about 400 words for this blog … here goes!

1963: the York School came into being at the Military Hospital in Fulford. Fees were £90 a year! After much discussion and consultations following the proposed closure of the Military Hospital, the programme moved to the College of Ripon & York St John (now York St John University)

1977: York was the first occupational therapy programme to move into Higher Education. At this time the content of the programme and assessments were governed by the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) and the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM). On successful completion of the programme, students received the British Diploma of Occupational Therapy and eligibility for state registration with CPSM. There was no problem in finding work on qualification in those days!

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