York St John University Examinations for Collegiate Academic Awards An Investigation into the development of, the character known as, the ‘Disney Princess’ over the past 80 years. How has the character made an impact[…]
Author: rebecca.stead
Professional Practice
“When I was a kid, there was no collaboration; it’s you with a camera bossing your friends around. But as an adult, filmmaking is all about appreciating the talents of the people you surround yourself[…]
Professional Practice
Strengths/skills you can offer an employer Provide an explanation of where you demonstrated these skills Leadership and organisation Directing and producing a range of productions at university where I had to control productions crews[…]
Professional Practice
Rebecca Stead 07734244259 Beckystead1@gmail.com About me I am a student at York St John University studying a degree in Media Production. From doing this course I have discovered that I am a passionate filmmaker with[…]
Transmedia essay: For this module I would need to devise, pitch, plan and produce a prototype artefact appropriate for distribution that complied to the conventions of a transmedia outlet. “Transmedia storytelling represents a process where[…]
Artefact Friends Blog Treatment Tagline: Your favourite 5 characters are back in your favourite T.V series with exclusive scripts, images, videos, character information and leaks all for you on one personal blog where there are[…]
Short artefact
The final task did not obey to a specific brief and instead gave an opportunity for us to individually express our knowledge of the course and choose our own specific brief to follow. There was[…]
Character Introduction
The third task provided to us was the final task in where a specific brief had to be met and was focused more directly upon the cinematography side of the module however did still require[…]
Scouting a location
After creating an imaginary location during the first task, task 2 instead required me to find an already existing location in order to fit a particular brief handed to us. The brief required the location[…]
Design Plan
1967 production design power point This task allowed me to explore the production design aspect of this module and dive into history to recreate an accurate room, for a chosen character, from a year[…]