MVP Travel Briefs and Presentation


YouTube Sponsorship’s Brief

GoPro Brief

Christmas Ad Brief


MVP Presentation

My Thoughts

For this project, in groups, we we’re tasked with creating a presentation that showcased 3 thought out ideas that would help a company bring in customers. We had to pitch these ideas to a company called ZigZag and we were representing one of the clients that partners with ZigZag. We choose to do MVP Travel because one of the members of our group had previously worked for them and it gave us some inside knowledge to use to our advantage when coming up with the ideas

We came up with the ideas of an Advert surrounding a GoPro, a Christmas ad and then YouTube Sponsorships. I came up with the YouTube idea and focused in on that more than anything else as I was one of the few who watched YouTube religiously and knew all the ins and outs of it.

The difficulties came here with us knowing that MVP Travel only had a small budget, so any big productions were out of the question, all out idea’s had to be realistic and ones that we ourselves, if needed could create. My main concern was presenting to a large audience, public speaking isn’t my strong point so I was nervous, I looked around online for information that may help, I found this which I tried to apply “So to speak to a large audience, get certain about what you stand for. And stand for it. Be unapologetic.” (Ginger. 2013)

What I gained from this was invaluable, the opportunity to practise pitching to professionals and get feedback from them is something I will use in my day to day life. It gives me the stepping stones needed for when I do pitches like this career wise, I am prepared for what may come. I know that when I do a pitch I must be organised, have done my research, put my all into it and be excited about the ideas I am pitching, which is exactly what I was like with this.

The feedback I gained from ZigZag was great, however I do disagree that YouTube’s working for commission won’t work to easily. I know that GirlGamerGab and James Charles a small and a massive youtuber both do commission-based ads on their channels regularly.

Health and safety weren’t an issue with this task as we were just making a presentation, so no risks were involved so neither was a risk assessment.


GGGab. (N/A). GirlGamerGab [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

JamesCharles. (N/A). James Charles [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Ginger. 2013. How to speak to a large audience [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

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