Further industrial action – 3 December 2013

As you may have heard via email, further strike action will be taken on 3 December 2013 unless agreement over this year’s pay settlement is reached.   

Please visit the Unison webpages for more information http://www.unison.org.uk/news/university-staff-announce-3-december-for-second-date-of-strike-action

We will be in touch shortly to keep you updated with any developments.  If anybody has any queries please contact the YSJ branch executive – members are listed on this site. 

Best wishes
Dave Thompson, Chair of York St John UNISON branch



New site!


I’ve done a bit of a refresh of the web site.  Everything that was there before still is but I have switched the focus onto the latest branch news and I’m hoping to get a bit more information out this way 🙂  If you’ve got any comments or questions please do fire them my way: g.jenkins@yorksj.ac.uk

The NHS Bill


Just a quick note to say that our folks at national level has asked us to draw your attention to the campaign against the very damaging NHS Bill.

You can find out more about the Bill and why it is such a disaster here: http://unison.org.uk/ournhs/

You can also take positive action by completing this petition: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/22670 or by visiting this page on the unison web site: http://unison.org.uk/ournhs/adopt.asp.

AGM 2012: 10:30, Friday 30th March @ Fountaints Lecture Theatre



It’s that time of year again and our branch AGM is almost upon us.  The AGM will be taking place on Friday 30th March at 10:30am – 12:30 in the Fountains Lecture Theatre (FT/002).  HR have been informed and will be contacting managers to encourage them to make every effort to ensure that everyone can attend.  If you are unable to attend for some reason please let us know so that we can do our best to make the event as accessible as possible buth this time and in future years.


Last year’s minutes are available at http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/unison/2011/03/17/agm-2011-minutes/. If you are unable to access them for some reason then please speak to one of our union representatives (listed below) and they can arrange for you to get a paper copy.  A limited number of copies will also be available on the day.


The agenda this year follows the usual pattern and is currently as follows:


  • Apologies
  • Minutes of the 2011 AGM
  • Matters arising from the minutes
  • Chair’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Health and Safety Report
  • Other items:
    • Amendments to branch constitution
      • To allow multiple people to hold the role of Branch Secretary.
  • Honoraria: Do we keep them or drop them?
    • If we keep them, are the current levels appropriate?
  • Pensions: we hope to have an offer from the government to discuss with you by the AGM.
  • Smoking Policy
  • Election of Branch Officers
  • Any other business or points of interest from the floor


If there are any items you would like added or clarified please let us know.  If you wish to nominate or second anyone for a position as a branch office and are unable to attend the AGM in person then please let us know either by email (unison@yorksj.ac.uk) or by contacting one of your representatives (listed below) who will be able to assist you in making a nomination.


Lastly – please note that the current branch constitution can be found at http://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/unison/files/2011/03/Constitution-2011-03-09.pdf and if you require it in printed format please contact us directly at unison@yorksj.ac.uk or via one of our representatives (listed below)






Dave Thompson Chair 01904 87 6668 d.thompson@yorksj.ac.uk
Anna Herbert Deputy Chair 01904 87 6542 a.herbert@yorksj.ac.uk
Gareth Jenkins Branch Secretary 01904 87 6909 g.jenkins@yorksj.ac.uk
Ken Scott Treasurer 01904 87 6676 k.scott@yorksj.ac.uk
Pieter Smit Membership Secretary 01904 87 6908 p.smit@yorksj.ac.uk
Linda Wilson Health and Safety Rep 01904 644578 l.wilson@yorksj.ac.uk
Monty Feather Health and Safety Rep 01904 87 6706 m.feather@yorksj.ac.uk
Hazel Eldred Workplace Representative 01904 87 6926 h.eldred@yorksj.ac.uk
Keith Vasey Workplace Representative 01904 87 6668 k.vasey@yorksj.ac.uk
Paul Oldroyd Workplace Representative 01904 410180 p.oldroyd@yorksj.ac.uk

You can also contact us via our official mailbox: unison@yorksj.ac.uk

AGM 2011: Minutes

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2011 AGM and a special, extra thank you to everyone who contributed in whatever manner.  As a result of the meeting we have our new branch constitution in place (you can find a copy under the ‘documents’ menu) and we have now welcomed our new Treasurer – Ken Scott.

A copy of the minutes can be found by clicking here. If you spot any inaccuracies or omissions please let us know.

After the summer…

Well – it’s been the usual long summer and usually union matters go very quiet.  This year has been different though – not too surprising for any of you with your fingers on the pulse.

Nationally we’ve been fighting cuts, pensions changes and other attacks on public services.  Please take the time to visit the national UNISON website to see the latest news.

Locally we’ve had an agenda full of restructures, financial resilience, smoking policy, car parking, building alterations, workload/stress and all of the usual individual cases of advice, grievance, disciplinary and so on.  We have also drafted a new branch constitution – but more on that as we approach the next AGM.

All in all – we’ve been busy and that’s not likely to change for a while.

Discount for Lightwater Valley


Not really as weighty as a lot of the things we post here but… we’ve been notified that our regional folks have negotiated a discount for members at Lighterwater Valley (http://www.lightwatervalley.co.uk).  Show your Unison membership card at the gate any time up to 31 October 2010 and you’ll get tickets at £11.95 (rather than £19.45).   One card entitles you to up to 6 discounted tickets per visit so your friends and family can benefit too.

If you need a replacement membership card please let one of your Stewards know or email unison@yorksj.ac.uk and we’ll get one in the post to you.