Hello! I’m Samantha, a 2nd year Illustration student. My comic is more of a new interpretation of Greek mythology and Tarot combined. The cards will guide you through the origins of our earth and how we have come to be stuck in a cycle of love, war and sadness. The god’s assigned duties to Zodian’s to help earth grow and develop for mankind, however not all had best interests and became clouded by their own judgement, you will soon learn how each played into the cycle. Here are some of the Zodian\s we know so far…
The images are imagined interpretations of the gods in Tarot styling, I wanted you to enjoy the story as much as the imagery and hopefully aid you to create your own world where these gods exist within your own imagination.
I would love to hear your thoughts and connect with you, If you are interested in any other work I do then I have popped in my instagram below for you to look at!