Othello – William Shakespeare

A photograph of a book laid on white and grey pebbles. The book is in the center. At the top of the book in the center, the title reads 'Othello'. Just below the title, there is a picture of a falling white handkerchief surrounded by grey shadowed negative space.

I will confess that when I first saw the book Othello, I was baffled to how this could provide any help to my course, but this reservoir of literary techniques has blown me away!

Othello is a Shakespearian classic which depicts the titular character Othello undergoing highs and lows which ultimately leads to his death, in a classic Shakespearian manner. The book provides a useful insight into the Venetian society and what it is like to be a black man in a highly racist society, dominated by white men. Shakespeare uses the villain Iago to highlight the institutional racism which Othello experiences and reflects how the English society was built to benefit white men. For a contemporary audience, Iago is portrayed to be carrying out justice and would be idolized for doing the right thing.

 This compelling piece of Jacobean literature shows a fall from power as Othello is subject to the torment and manipulation of Iago. Iago turns Othello’s friends and colleagues against him and even places the seeds of doubt about Desdemona’s infidelity in Othello’s mind. This leads to a mad fit of rage which leads to the brutal murder of his wife and eventually himself as he realises the mistakes he has made and wishes to be with his wife again. This makes the text a must read as it includes all the necessities of a good read and even more. Therefore, I implore you to pick up a copy and enjoy a good read from a great book.

Review by Jack (Library and Learning Services Work Experience Student)

Othello – William Shakespeare

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