BudgetingStudent LifeStudy

Top Free Apps for YSJ Students

Starting university and suddenly having these new daunting life skills to manage is a struggle for every student. Thankfully, there are many helpful apps available to support you with things like finance management, studying, organisation, and even wellness. Here are a few of my favourites!


Grammarly is an AI writing assistant that can help you edit your written work. It can help you with correcting spelling, grammar, clarity, engagement, and even the delivery of your text.

As a dyslexic individual, written work has always been a struggle for me, so Grammarly has been my best friend when writing essays. I use it for all my significant written work, I even used it when writing this blog! Grammarly often notices spelling errors I overlook and always remembers to add commas when I don’t.

Grammarly has a free version and a premium version. I have always used the free version and have never felt the need to upgrade.

Health Assured Wisdom

When caught up with studying or coursework, it’s easy to neglect your mental and emotional wellbeing. Maintaining positive wellness is something everyone should be doing, not just students, which is why York St John offers access to an excellent app that can assist you in just this.

Health Assured Wisdom is a digital resource used to track your wellbeing, set your wellness goals, and gain access to resources for self-help. I used Wisdom during the COVID lockdown, my second year at YSJ. I used the app’s wellness tracking feature to plan my mealtimes, keep on top of fitness, and maintain an active routine.

York St John members can access Wisdom for free using the unique YSJ code: MHA171775.

Additionally, Health Assured offers a free confidential 24/7 support and advice helpline: 0800 028 3766.

Money Manager by Blackbullion

One of the biggest struggles I’ve faced, whilst at university, is managing my finances. Learning to balance newfound freedom and living on a budget is definitely a challenge. I started using Money Manager while doing my postgraduate degree and I really wish I had discovered it earlier.

Money Manager by Blackbullion is a money managing app made specifically for students. The app allows users to create personalised budget plans, learn to build financial skills, and even help you discover funding opportunities you might be eligible for.

As a media production student, finding funding to support my creative project is a must. I definitely plan on using Money Manager to help source this funding!


The MyYSJ app was specifically created to support York St John students during their time at the university. The app gives you direct access to your university email, Moodle page, and personalised timetable directly from your phone. It can also save you time when registering your attendance or reporting an absence.

I use the MyYSJ app a lot in the library as it allows access to the library catalogue which is ideal for researching sources. I also use it to book a library workspace in advance, so I know I will have access to my favourite study spot when I arrive on campus!


Hello, I'm Ellie, and I'm studying MA Media Production here at York St John University. I am a regular at the mindfulness sessions in the Chapel and I enjoy long hikes, home cooking and content creation!