The Heroic Johnsman – Alumni Stories, Pat Neal

York St John alumnus, Pat Neal, has recently published a book, telling the life story of fellow York St John alumnus, and Victoria Cross recipient, Jack Harrison. In our latest alumni blog, Pat tells us how he first found out about Jack Harrison, and what inspired him to write a book on his life.
I studied History and American Studies at St. John’s between 1981-85. I gained College colours in cricket and rugby union and also represented the College at athletics, hockey and football. I was cricket club captain in 1984. I also first met my wife Gill (nee Fearon) in the SU bar !
During my time at St Johns (even though I was a member of the rugby and cricket clubs) I didn’t know of Jack Harrison. The memorial to Jack that now is situated in the Sports Hall entrance was hidden away in a store room I have since discovered.
It was only on a visit to a Students Open Day when my son John was looking round YSJ that I saw the memorial to Jack. When John became a ‘fresher’ I met up with my old friend John Maw and soon took an active part in helping the Alumni develop the archive room by doing some research. I had also joined the Old John’s Rugby Club that had been set up and re found many old friends from St John’s through the club and I also founded the Old Johns Cricket Association.
I first set out to see if I could find proof that Jack had played cricket for St Johns. In the archive I found recorded in the Register that he had gained his colours at rugby but also cricket and swimming. The few copies of the ‘White Rose’ magazine gave some cricket reports. I then set about trying to find reports of all his cricket and rugby matches for St Johns. This meant looking at old editions of local newspapers as well as the incomplete set of the ‘White Rose’.
This soon developed into finding out about his upbringing and early life and to looking into his rugby league career at Hull FC and a few early games for York RL and of course looking into how he was awarded the Military Cross and how he died at Oppy Wood ans was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.
I realised that no one had ever told Jack’s life story and so the idea of a book developed. After three years of research I found that I had around 150 pages including many photos. I found a local printing firm and set about self publishing the book. Three proof reads later we were OK to print.
The book goes on general release on 28th March, 100 years to the day that Jack was awarded the Military Cross.
I hope the book will appeal to all past and present students and staff. There is very keen interest in the Hull area about the book.
Pat’s book, ‘The Heroic Johnsman’ is on sale now, and can be purchased online
Hello,I wish to obtain a copy.
Regards,Jim MacDonald,Canada
Jim – just seen this please send me your address details –
Pat Neal