Managing our Anger

Managing our Anger

Everyone feels angry sometimes. But how do we know when that anger is a problem?

So many people struggle with managing their anger in a healthy way, and it’s so important that you find a way to cope and find a source of support. Getting angry doesn’t make you a bad person; it’s a complex emotion that needs communicating and expressing in a healthy and productive way, and that can be a difficult thing to learn how to do.

National Bereaved Parents Day

National Bereaved Parents Day

Today is National Bereaved Parents Day. Organised by A Child of Mine, it’s an opportunity to raise awareness of parents and caregivers who have lost a child. By sharing our stories and keeping the conversation going we continue to show the bereaved parent community that they are not alone.

To help us carry on this important conversation, we speak to Dr. John Wilson, Director of the Bereavement Service at the Counselling and Mental Health Centre, who shares his experience and perspective.

Fathers Mental Health Day

Fathers Mental Health Day

Too often it’s the case that Dads’ mental health is overlooked in the challenging months after welcoming a child into the family. There has been research into same-sex and adoptive parents experiencing depression in the post-partum as well, but these situations often go under the radar. Fathers’ Mental Health Day is setting out to change this worldwide, and provide father figures everywhere with the information, resources and support needed to maintain positive mental wellbeing.