Late Night Breakfast Show


Rationale under cut

The brief for this task was vague but that gave our group a lot more freedom than we initially thought. To begin we organised a meeting where we would decide who was going to perform what roles, I was the script writer.

Being the script writer for this task meant I had to collaborate with the presenters to bring their personalities into the show, I was working closely with the producer and director to come up with the style of the show and what would be included in it. Working with the other people was not a massive challenge, although there were some creative differences between some people and ideas occasionally clashed but in the end it boiled down to what works best for what we wanted to do. It was decided that we would be presenting a comedy show that would be taking inspiration from well-known programs in a satirical manner.

The name ‘Late Night Breakfast Show’ was used to hint that it would be a comedy. Each segment is inspired by well-known existing programs; ‘Jim’s Real-Enough Deal’ takes after Dickinson’s Real Deal and other similar shows such as The Price is Right, ‘Wet Canvas with Oliver Jackson’ is almost directly imitating The Joys of Painting with Bob Ross. ‘Will’s Meatballs’ is inspired by cooking segments you would see on breakfast shows such as This Morning and ‘Don’t Escape to the Country’ is inspired by Escape to the Country. After coming up with the themes for each segment, the real challenge was in writing what the presenters would be saying. There was some discussion of the presenters improvising the majority of the show but it was decided to avoid any mishaps and to avoid taking up lots of time during filming that there would be little improvisation.

As I mentioned I worked with the presenters so their personalities could be emphasised but with writing the jokes, it couldn’t just be funny to one or two people. There ended up being many revisions to the script as a few people on the crew didn’t find them funny or didn’t find the segment entertaining and I wanted the jokes to be appreciated by as many people as possible.

In the end I think the majority of the script was found entertaining by both cast and crew and would appeal to the target audience. If given the chance to do this again I would spend more time researching into what people found entertaining as I felt for a lot of the script I was using what I already knew about writing comedy. I would also hope for more rehearsal time with the presenters so I would be able to refine the script to get it up to a better standard.

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