Comfort Reads: Under The Greenwood Tree

By James Turner

From 8-12 October York St John University will be holding its inaugural ‘Comfort Reads Week’, hosted by ILE. This week of events seeks to celebrate and explore the power of reading for promoting and ensuring wellbeing. To get in the mood, we asked our students to tell us about their favourite comfort reads. In this post, James Turner shares his love of Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy.

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Comfort Reads: Muriel Spark’s A Far Cry From Kensington

By Erin Byrne

From 8-12 October York St John University will be holding its inaugural ‘Comfort Reads Week’, hosted by ILE. This week of events seeks to celebrate and explore the power of reading for promoting and ensuring wellbeing. To get in the mood, we asked our students to tell us about their favourite comfort reads. In this post, Erin Byrne shares her love of A Far Cry from Kensington by Muriel Spark.

Continue reading “Comfort Reads: Muriel Spark’s A Far Cry From Kensington”