Submission Guidelines

‘Words Matter’ is our Literature Programme blog, a dedicated space for our students, staff and alumni. Check here for the latest news on forth-coming events and for opinion, commentary and reviews by your peers on the programme. The blog also explores, celebrates and promotes the ethos of our programme team, which is the belief that literature provides the means of interrogating and understanding the world we live in.  

Our Mission

All posts published on our blog should fall under one or more of the following categories:

  1. Student Announcement. These posts advertise relevant internal or external opportunities or events to our current students.
  2. Programme Community. Such a post reports on activities or events that have taken place that in some way involved (or may have been of interest to) Literature students. This community extends to our Alumni.
  3. For new or prospective students:  such a post will offer information of interest to students who are thinking of joining our community at York St John and will ideally celebrate the community and culture of our programme.
  4. Review/commentary. These posts enable you to use the skills and knowledge developed and promoted on the Literature Programme to understand or interrogate topical issues, events or cultural artefacts. The category may include reviews of recent novels, poetry collections, film and TV, plays, or other cultural texts or events.
  5. Wellbeing if you would like to pitch an idea relating to student wellbeing, we would also like to hear from you.  

Our Audiences

All posts should be written to address one or more of the following audiences:

  1. Our current students and colleagues
  2. Prospective students
  3. Our Alumni (former students)
  4. External audiences interested in Literature/Creative Writing

Our staff editors are Dr Saffron Vickers Walkling and Dr Jo Waugh who will respond to submissions and support student writers in preparing material for online publication if it fits with the overall ethos and spirit of the blog.

The Creative Writing blog provides a platform for new creative and critical writing for current students. Please visit Where Ideas Grow for more information.