Assessment for Learning


Increasingly the term “assessment for learning” or AFL is being used interchangeably with formative assessment. The primary purpose of assessment for learning/formative assessment is to provide feedback to students. In a wider context it can motivate students to self regulate their learning, positively influence students’ self efficacy, improve meta-cognitive skills and develop their skills as lifelong learners. AFL activities can help students structure their independent work in ways which meaningfully relate to assessed work and that will beneficially effect achievement and success. It can also help them to learn how to manage their time.

Our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy at YSJ has an objective which sets out our ambition to “promote an emphasis on assessment for learning whilst maintaining the quality of assessment of learning”.

All this means that not only do we need to think about feedback but we need to think about the AFL design of programmes and how we will incorporate activities that will generate feedback for students.

We believe that this does not have to be done all the time solely by tutors but that peers and others who work with our students are all capable of providing feedback.

Here is a video of Graham Gibbs talking about using assessment to support student learning