There are four main centres for work on feedback in higher education in the UK. These include the University of Edinburgh, University of Strathclyde, Northumbria University and Oxford Brookes University.
Edinburgh University have developed feedback standards and guiding principles. The webpage is aimed to support the implementation of these and has a section for staff and a section for students. The staff section is a great resource that draws together literature on feedback to support enhancement of feedback practice. It is divided into four areas: time-friendly ways to boost feedback; ideas, strategies and case examples; feedback in your subject and feedback FAQs for staff.
The first link is to University of Strathclyde’s webpage on feedback. It provides advice for students in using feedback and resources for staff to develop their practice. It is based on the 12 principles of good assessment and feedback practice (originally 7) that is one of the most accessed articles in Studies in Higher Education (Nicol et al, 2006).
The second link is to the Re-engineering Assessment Practices in Higher Education webpage. This also came from work funded by the Scottish Funding Council that was led by David Nicol at Strathclyde. This project focussed on re-design of formative assessment and feedback practice on first year modules with high student numbers. The link gives access to a range of information and resources related to the project
The Assessment for Learning CETL was based at Northumbria University. This link is to the archive pages that include past publications, presentations and support materials in relation to assessment and feedback. The second link is to assessment and feedback resources and this includes a number of ‘Red Guide Papers’ on specific assessment and feedback related themes.
Oxford Brookes University hosted the Assessment Standards Knowledge exchange (ASKe) CETL. This site is still active and updated. It contains news updates and some downloadable ‘1, 2, 3’ leaflets that highlight practical ways to improve learning through assessment and feedback.
In addition there are a number of national resources that have been developed by the Higher Education Academy and via the Scottish Enhancement Themes support feedback practice.
This is the thematic area for assessment and feedback within the HEA Resources Centre section of their webpage. This provides resources for University teachers to support the sector in improving their approach to assessment and feedback. In particular it links to ‘A marked improvement’ (2012) which draws together initiatives from a range of organisations. The second link takes you to the HEA feedback toolkit, which is another item in their resource centre. This contains a number of activities that would lend themselves to staff or student development sessions in relation to feedback.
The link is to a bulletin update from the HEA that focusses upon work related to assessment and feedback across the UK.
There have been a range of enhancement themes over the last 10 years with Assessment being the first. Although this is a focus on assessment primarily there is obviously significant overlap and resources in relation to feedback. There has also been a theme on First Year: Engagement and Empowerment within which there is a resource on Transforming assessment and feedback, which is the second link.
On an international level, enhancement of assessment and feedback has also received significant attention in the Australian higher education sector. This is predominantly assessment focussed and emerges from David Boud’s work at the University of Technology, Sydney.
Here is s a link to Graham Gibbs useful publication which contains some practice examples that could be used to change your assessment practice Using assessment to support student learning