Tag Archives: lights

Interview and Lighting Task – SU Elections

For this  50 to 60 second interview task we were briefed by a client (the students union) to film a student candidate from the SU elections. Having a real client for the task made us want to a more professional standard. This was exciting for me so I took lead on the project. We were set a number of fixed questions to ask in the interview and one additional question of our choice. We researched the candidate early to base some questions around her course and interests. 

I made sure to make Hannah comfortable with the environment and group to ensure we got a relaxed and natural response, I introduced her to the questions prior so she could structure good responses. I appreciated learning about and using 3 – point lighting, and experimenting, and understanding the health and safety protocols, of notifying people on set when the house lights are going off, to avoid trips, and notifying people when the set lights are coming on, to avoid hurting or damaging eyes. I tried to preemptively set up the lights before the client arrived to make the job efficient and swift,  by having a group member sit down in front of the camera and we got the lights the way we wanted. However, I did not anticipate the height difference when the real candidate arrived, this meant we had to readjust the lighting. This is a lesson I will remember for future experiences. 

Word Count : 242