Welcome message from your Chair of School, Millie Whiteford

Millie Whiteford
Millie Whiteford

Hello, I’m Millie! I was elected your Chair of School this academic year. Let me be the first to welcome you to York St. John and the community we have here in York. I hope that you are either excited to join us for the first time or excited to be back! It’s my job here at YSJ to ensure key communication between students and lecturers and have the voices of students heard. To do that, it’s essential for you all to know who I am and how friendly I am, so please, if you see me in a lecture talking to you all or wandering the rows of the library, that you can bring any concerns to me.

Not only am I someone to bridge between staff and students but also a little bit of a guide to university life. I am a third year Language and Linguistics student so I have my fair share of advice I can give. Anything that may be worrying you in any aspect of university life is something I can help with; university life is something that should be enjoyed but there can be some struggles that come with it, so please don’t be afraid to ask for help. I hope you enjoy your time at YSJ and everything it has to offer. Don’t be scared to get involved and become a part of the YSJ community!