Artefact 1-Video Vox Pop

Should mental health and physical health be equally prioritised and are the services adequate?

The people of York express their views on the matter:

video vox p official from Larissa Nath on Vimeo.

 example of release form

Our group each came up with a separate news idea to interview the public on, which made it essential that we carefully worked to the time constraint with the alternation between roles as camera operator and interviewer. I researched the current views on my topic so I had some idea of people’s answers to enable me to ask follow up questions and engage more in what they were saying.

We collected and setup our camera equipment in a location we imagined would be busy enough but not be too noisy with regards picking up background noise. We also intended to have at least one shot of the minster in view to demonstrate location.


We did sound and filming quality checks before we started recording and checked in between interviews that the equipment was recording efficiently.


One partner was being rejected so we decided to collaborate more and alternate between approaching people to answer our partner’s question, camera operator and interviewer. This method worked better as we were all working together to ensure we all managed to get good footage within the 3 hours.

Collaboration and focus the task was vital to optimise productivity and make efficient use of time; however, the editing stage was autonomous and was important we all did this independently to demonstrate our own individuality.


For my question, “Do you think mental and physical health should be equally prioritised in the NHS and why?”, I planned a follow up question, “Do you think the services are adequate?”. This allowed people to elaborate on their views, which gave me more footage to work with in editing, as we only managed to gather around 4 or 5 people each. (Myers, Greg, 1954)

For each person we took their name, email and signature on release forms for consent to film and record them.

We had to change location mid way through the task as a busker warned us he would be setting up behind us which would have interfered with audio.

People were less inclined to stop and talk as the weather was bad. This wasted time and made it imperative that we collaborated as much as possible to get the task done by all 3 of us within the 3 hours.

I received in depth answers which were of a personal nature to the interviewees which provided a range of views.

We ensured the microphone cable was looped up and not traipsing on the floor for anyone to trip on. We picked a spot to set up the camera and tripod out of any one’s way and ensured the tripod and camera bag were out of the way resting by a tree next to us but we watched them in case any one stole them.


I learned the importance of obtaining quality footage through this task as we did not want to have to re-do for practicality reasons. The boom cover on the microphone minimized wind interference and background noise which aided the consistent noise levels when editing.




  1. Matters of opinion: talking about public issues

Myers, Greg, 1954- author

eBook, Electronic resource, Book. English.

Published Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2004

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