Week 8-Feedback

After we discovered that the university will not fund all of our features to be printed into the official magazine, the quality of content and writing had to be of top standard. As the feature was handed in as a first draft, it was mainly feedback on the content. I do not suffer any severe trouble with spelling and grammar but the corrections on my feature were punctuation based mainly.  Formative feedback improved the quality of my feature.

My feedback was very positive, but I believe I can improve the piece so I am editing it in line with the Journalism style guide which is  the house style.

I think I have quite a good written ability and sourced a story which compliments the theme well, the meal with Neil Bentinck gave me plenty of content to talk about with the whole experience of the food. Therefore, I feel I have managed the treatment of this story well in terms of images, sources, structure and quotes.

Within my first draft, I had not properly checked the name of my interviewee; the importance of correctly spelt names has always been emphasized, I immediately corrected this.

One of my quotes was full of interesting content about the use of raw seafood, this was suggested to be used as a pull quote to stand out. Getting used to a house style is important when joining any institution, ours states any number under 10 should be written out fully therefore I amended this. The quotes needed to be woven into the structure and so I separated them into pull quotes and I paraphrased others.


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