Week 10-Evaluation

Collaboration on a publication is imperative to success, this was an advantage for us as we have all previously worked together. From research into factors for success, the magazine industry and financial models, this module/project has allowed us to get a taste for magazine industry and production. 

The ability to use InDesign and add this onto my CV is an asset, I feel confident that my design has not only fit the design brief, but displays the range of skills I have acquired from the training on the software. I believe I have gained a base knowledge. 

I am slightly disappointed in my design as I prefer black and white artistic designs like the ‘Unsung Heros’ and ‘Fur Industry’ pieces, but after having never used InDesign before I think the overall layout displays my development with using the software.

In terms of personal progression, I feel I have strengthened my knowledge of the types of magazines, learned how a flat plan is constructed, the successful winners in the magazine industry such as Conde Nast-and looked and reasons why. I felt I had the opportunity to write extensively about something I have always felt passionate about and learned the valuable skills of InDesign to a good level. One of the main benefits to keep in mind throughout the process was the Johnson & Prijatel’s factors for success which I think we tried to do despite absences and lack of communication from team members. 

To evaluate how I achieved the following:

1: Critically evaluate different magazine structures, audiences, branding and target markets- I have learned how consumer, customer, trade and b2b magazines vary and the ways they select content and house styles to reach certain audiences.

2: Devise and produce original content appropriate to a magazine format (print and online)- I happy with the quality of the feature I wrote in terms of it being of quite a professional standard but there is always room for improvement.

3: Operate as entrepreneurs in relation to the promotion, marketing and distribution of work-as the work is not being sold this was hypothetical but we educated ourselves on how to succeed in the industry, how we would market the magazine with a budget and I believe I did this from thorough research and interest.

4: Collaborate effectively as part of a team- could have had more of an involvement in the overall structure and other peoples work, but I think I have given a range of valuable opinions on the publication and contributed help to those in need and tried to be involved in almost all of the decisions.

I have developed in this module by doing work for the uni alumni magazine and also writing for The York Mix every Monday where my skills in content have hopefully progressed. I feel I ensured a great level of communication which was vital for the construction of the magazine and my own development, my time management was effective as I had no trouble with deadlines, my feature was prepared for feedback and acted on then my layout was complete by two weeks ago and ready to edit to fit with the magazine.

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