Travel blogging advice

Course for travel blogging:

As this is way out of the university budget, I have decided to not take a course but if I were to earn enough from the blog in the future from the use of adverts and collaborations I could invest into this. At this early stage it is unrealistic to be looking at this but I see the benefits from taking on any training in a new field.


Advice from

You don’t need to do what everyone else is doing — in fact, I recommend actively avoiding it. In a space so crowded as the travel blogging world, you should stand out and that’s why my guide is the one you should follow. It’s one that’s based around what will give you the best chances of success in 2019.

Here’s how to start a travel blog:

    1. Find the perfect name to suit your personality.


    1. Set up hosting for your blog.


    1. Install WordPress.


    1. Learn how your blog’s dashboard works.


    1. Download a kickass theme.


    1. Design your logo.


    1. Install these essential plugins.


  1. Start building your audience and making money!


It was important to see the advice on how to start a trade blog from this source as the prior experience to blogging and wordpress she admits to be  nothing. She highlights the importance of not doing what everyone else is doing and this stood out to me as my concerns were that mine is too different to other peoples.

My blog is image led, it is personal in a sense as it is the places I have chosen to go to. It does not give simply good or bad reviews it uses a descriptive and positive style to realistically advise and explain what the experience was like. The aim is that it will give the reader a good idea of where to go when going somewhere or what dishes I ordered which may or may not appeal to that person.

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