Week 5-Income models


We explored different income models. After analyzing each model, we were in a position to evaluate which models would benefit The Yorkie and which would not. Now we are to examine how The Yorkie would work as a commercial venture. 

Commercial venture: The activity of providing goods and services involving financial, commercial and industrial aspects.

The funding required could have stemmed from advertisers if we were able to do the magazine as a year long project which would improve the amount of options in terms of design and content. Commercially, The Yorkie would still be a small scale magazine and most likely a free publication. Despite this, I would encourage us to aim to get funding from adverts and collaborations with, perhaps independent companies to create better opportunities with the content.

Here are some of the models we analysed:

  • native advertising
  • display advertising 
  • classified marketing
  • merch/shops 
  • external/affiliate links 
  • branded media 
  • online programmatic ads
  • subscriptions 
  • memberships 
  • events 

Native advertising was concluded as an effective model for the Yorkie as opposed to using, for example, subscriptions where people pay in advance for a regular copy. 

Native advertising is the use of paid ads that match the look, feel and function of the media format in which they appear. Native ads are often found in social media feeds, or as recommended content on a web page. Unlike display ads or banner adsnative ads don’t really look like ads.”

As we will be covering a broad range of local subjects this would work well as an income model, in a city bursting with independent businesses which may want to act as financial avenues.

The ability to have adverts which match the design of the magazine would be non intrusive and help create the slick aesthetic we intended. This advertising would also not upset patrons with the magazine being new.

Businesses such as Buzzfeed use this technique by creating videos in their house style which they are paid to do for other people.

Also what might work, is Display advertising.

This is a type of online advertising that comes in several forms, including banner ads, rich media and more. Unlike text-based ads, display advertising relies on elements such as images, audio and video to communicate an advertising message. 

Both of these techniques would ultimately create revenue for the magazine in incorporating adverts which companies will have freedom in what they display and it allows for a collaboration with local independent businesses.


To avoid breaching copyright, we will try to take our own images or use specific non-copyrighted images from websites such as Unsplash. It would be better to source our own as they can be more specific to meet our needs. For my feature, I intend to get strong images of the artistically presented dishes and edit them with an attractive filter, I will use an iPhone 8 camera for this as I find it is something I can confidently create strong and appropriate images with. I think it should be made a priority to use striking and quality images to create a succinct cohesion of an aesthetically pleasing magazine. 


Due to the magazine being predominantly, if not solely, themed on York, it should be distributed in no other than York’s centre. Places which may attract the target audience such as Spark York, independent cafes and eateries, mainly just in the city centre. The universities will also be a main location in which we will be able to reach people who are likely to read the publication.




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