Monthly Archives: April 2017

What Makes You Happy? (Video Vox Pops)


Video Vox Pops conducted around The City of York, asking people “What makes you happy?”. I asked this question as I felt it was simple yet meaningful and I could gather a good range of thoughts and feelings on the topic.

I chose to use this artefact as part of my portfolio as I felt it demonstrates and follows the concepts of a video vox pop [x]. The video contained snapshots of the public and their opinions on a specific topic, which were shot with a standard medium close up. This shot was used as it is a tool often used within video vox pops [x] [x] [x]. Alternating angles that featured our interviewees on either the left or right of our shot were used, instead of centered to allow variety within the video vox pop. The video featured local landmarks like the York Minster and local churches and included a collection of interviews with a range of different people. The interviewees ranged in age, gender and backgrounds, from those who live and work in York to those just visiting from abroad, this meant that we could gather a wide range of opinions.

I also chose to use this artefact as part of my portfolio because the answers given to me by my video vox pop interviewees were personal and real. From discussion of material things making a person happy temporarily, to not feeling much joy after the loss of a partner. These interviewees were honest and open, which allowed me to create a personal video vox pop.

I worked collaboratively with a group for the production of this task, which allowed me to build upon teamwork skills. I took the leadership role as producer, this meant ensuring health and safety protocols whilst shooting. I had to provide gather our interviewees and provide them with Student Production Contributor Release Forms, allowing us to film and use their image for our artefact. I wore a Hi-Vis jacket throughout production which featured the name of the university in order to inform the public who we were. Whilst our Interviewer and Camera Operator were performing their tasks I ensured that our production team stayed safe throughout the city. I did this by remaining making sure we remained on pavements but did not block any pathways for pedestrians.

Created as part of the Media Production: Film and Television course at York St John University. With thanks to all participants.