Self Portrait

For this task I was required to create a video suitable for sharing and streaming on Instagram. As a media creator I was tasked with this in order to establish myself as a new online presence, find my audience allow them an insight into who I am.  For this I attempted to create something unique yet representative of what makes me who I am, what I love and those who inspire me.

I began this task by looking at similar videos that already existed online and more specifically Instagram videos and the quality that can go into them. I started planning my own video by brainstorming on things in enjoy watching and reading but also my hobbies and interests. After initially creating a list I began planning where and what to film. I new I wanted to keep this project personal so I decided to film it within my bedroom. To keep this theme up I planned to gather some of my most important and personal possessions. In order to shoot my self portrait I had to fill in a risk assessment  to safely book equipment and find a fellow student partner so I could have support to safely shoot my video.

My video included multiple elements, it included personal items to me such as family photos, because the people in them are those that are closest to me. I also gathered a childhood video that I later incorporated in the video as I felt this footage  showed a candid glimpse of a younger version on myself. I also included things around my room like collages I’ve created, tarot cards I collect and even my bed, as my room is where i spend most of my time surrounded by these things.

I wanted to give my video an abstract element, I did this through the audio within my video. I recorded myself reciting on of my favourite poems and then reversed the audio whilst lowering its pitch. By editing the audio I felt I could incorporate more of myself into the video without it being too simplistic or boring.

I felt that this video contained many elements and incorporated many layers of my life and personality. Therefore an audience interested in myself and my work could view this and begin to understand what makes me who I am.  I felt the collection of images of me at a young age and me now gives the audience a great contrast of me then, a young kid who’s only intention is to have fun in one of her favourite places. And me now a young adult studying in higher education, living independently coping with everyday life as an adult.