Midsummer Murder play

My role in this organisation is not limited, as i tend to complete many tasks that are not on my job description. Today our activities coordinator have organised a Midsummer Murder play in our main atrium. But as it was during the weekend, none of the activities coordinator were present, which had a massive toll on my role.

So, including all my tasks that i needed to complete as part of my job role I also had to help adjust all the actors that came to act on the play and also had to create space for the play in our atrium. I had help from the other staff that were working today, we all made sure that we communicated frequently with each other for a smooth result.

After all the setup, i had to make sure i recorded and took picture of parts of the play so it could be going up to our social media to promote the organisation and how are our entertainment work. Even though all this was happening i did have to return to my desk  as I still had emails to respond to and phone calls to get back to and also had visitors to tend to and there was also a show round to complete for the new enquiry.

At the end of the day, it was very busy and tiring but it was also a very good because the resident kept talking about until night time, which is a sign that they enjoyed the play.

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