Welcome back to Primary Education

Back to it!

As I write this, we have just come to the end of Welcome Week for the new intake of Primary Education students.  We have talked about what is to come and how their time at YSJ will fly by. Alongside that, I have had emails from several NQTs who finished with us last June and are now three weeks into their new classes; this underlines how the time flies on Primary Education. Alongside, our second and third-year students are returning to their studies.  Suddenly, the University and the Primary Education course feel “right” again, buzzing with student life after the quietness of the Summer.

Another September

For me, after three decades in primary education in school and at YSJ, January has never been “New Year”; it has always been September. This month sees all of my new starts and the new starts for our student teachers. For the first years, everything is new; staff, modules, teaching rooms, friends, accommodation – everything. For year 2, I expect there is a that nice feeling of not everything being new, but they are taking a big step up in academic work and school placement expectations. With that will come to the joy of being much more a class teacher on placement. For third years, there is often the “I can’t believe I am in my final year” moment. Alongside some very new modules and an exciting, challenging third placement, there is also the sense that many things this year will be done for the last time.


So, for first, second and third years as well as staff, I think September is an exciting time of new beginnings. Lots of challenges, great experiences, triumphs and successes are ahead. As always, at this time of year, I am looking forward to sharing the journey with our student teachers. For some, this is the first stage, for some the final stage and for some, the vital middle stage. I look forward to the journey and the destination

Science CPD exploring floating and sinking
Enjoying science CPD

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