Jack Evans – Wendy Carlos

I found Wendy Carlos’s contributions to the advancement of synthesis to have been particularly inspiring. The innovations she discovered were significantly ahead of their time and she overcame considerable stress in her own personal life as a direct consequence of her female identity. Battling through adversity, she made unparalleled leaps Read more…

Issy Stead

In my experience a lot of the woman that have significantly impacted me have been my mum, both of my grandmothers, sisters and teachers. People from my personal life that have had a hand in raising and shaping me. As far as famous figures go, I respect the Queen for Read more…

Matthew Clarke – Mari Ruti

Mari Ruti, Professor of Critical Theory and Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto, has an amazing gift for translating the most abstract, complex and inaccessible theoretical concepts into clear, stylish and compelling prose. She is also incredibly prolific in her writing (eleven books and counting) and she does Read more…