“Attention, working-memory control, working-memory capacity, and sport performance” – Dr Robert Vaughan and Dr Sylvain Laborde

Previous work is yet to provide a cognitive measure of attention using multiple measures to capture the complexity of this process (i.e. adapting attentional resources via greater visual search sensitivity and ability to ignore distractor patterns), – Vaughan and Laborde (242) This paper by Dr Robert Vaughan and Dr Sylvain Read more…

“Person-centred experiential therapy versus cognitive behavioural therapy” – Professor Michael Barkham et al.

Given the increasing prevalence of depression, which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the NHS Long Term Plan commitment to an additional 380000 adults being able to access IAPT services by 2023–24, there is urgency in obtaining definitive evidence that PCET is non-inferior to CBT. – Barkham et Read more…

Ontologies of English – Professor Chris Hall and Dr Rachel Wicaksono

Appropriately for a book on applied linguistics, Hall and Wicaksono’s collection aims at being ‘useful’ for scholars and practitioners engaged in language education. To this end it mixes abstract discussions about ontology […] with case studies focussing on different elements of English language education. – Phillip Seargeant, Open University This Read more…

“Motivation as individual differences and task conditions from a regulatory focus perspective” – Dr Yeji Han and Professor Kim McDonough

The potential for pedagogical intervention that draws upon students’ motivational strengths without requiring additional class time could help bridge the gap between individual differences research and L2 pedagogy. – Han and McDonough (4) This article by Dr Yeji Han and Professor Kim McDonough focuses on motivation for Second Language Acquisition Read more…