Camera Review of 77D vs C100

350 Words

For this task we had to create a camera review for the 77D and the C100 going over our experiences and the difference between the two cameras.

I came up with some information to be used in the video that I had researched from a variety of sources. I learned even more about the cameras than I already knew. I then starred in it and tried my best to present the information to the best of my ability, Sam joined me on this, and we bounced off one another. Instead of a standard review, it became more of a debate between me and Sam and the two cameras, which I believe worked out very well and created a good concept and made a decent review.

There were many challenges here that we had to overcome. Firstly, although we had used these cameras a lot, my group which was made up of me, Sam, Jack and Mhairi knew very little about these cameras spec wise, we were all interested in different fields of the industry, three of us interested in screen plays. So, we had to make our review on a more physical and appearance based, rather than specs. I used sites like Canon’s very own to try and get myself in the know with the specs, that did help somewhat. For the C100 I found quotes like “An affordable video production camera offering a unique combination of professional HD imaging, compact design and lens versatility, the user-friendly C100 is ideally configured for single person use” (Canon. 2019) then for the 77D I had “Shoot photos with personality, with features and controls that put creativity at your fingertips” (Canon. 2019)

 We then also had an extremely limited amount of time to film, as we only found out about the task a day or two before we had to do it. Then on the day we had les than two hours to get it all filmed. We had to be good with our time management and get things done in a quick and professional manner.

I then had to deal with presenting, which wasn’t something I particularly wanted to do, as I don’t enjoy being on camera, however with me having the most knowledge it did make more sense for me to sit down and talk alongside Sam. I t was also a great opportunity to do something I wouldn’t normally do and get used to doing it. I may end up having to do it more in the future, so it was a nice practise run.

Overall, I was very happy when I was able to create something quite professional looking with the edit, all the extra footage of the cameras overlaid with the speaking worked fantastically. I was also happy to have this experience of a quick and pressure filled task as it was great experience for when I do it in the industry.


Canon. 2019. Canon EOS C100 [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Canon. 2019. Canon EOS 77D [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Music Video

Script for Music Video

David Bowie Script (Sean Lawson)

Music Video Script (Final)


350 Words

So, for this task we were to follow on from the music video pitch, which had got us into the creative mind space of music videos and got us all pumped up to create one. We however were to create a new idea to the last one we made, and we had to make the music video to a song that was already out by an artist as opposed to making one for an up and coming band. My group came to a decision to do the song Rebel, Rebel by David Bowie. We planned to create a story centred around Sam and him accepting that he is a she and owning who she is. We would cut to shots of Jack dressed as David Bowie lip syncing the song.

I created the script. As we needed a story that would run through with Sam, I put in the scenes with Jack as well to keep the flow of the music video idea and to help in the editing process of what the final video would look like. This was the first time I ever wrote a music video script, so what I did was to look up how they look and read. I saw different comments from various people who had wrote them, that all mimicked the same thing “Basically you just write it as a normal short script but with the intent to have music playing over it. It’s important to understand the basis behind the song” (Walley, C. 2018) this way I knew that what I was creating was correct. There are of course a variety ways scripts can be created and laid out.

I also was on set doing the lighting we had planned, setting up equipment that was needed, using the clapper board and then general help that a runner would do.

Challenges we faced was the ambitiousness of the idea, it was a big task to do in a short space of time, especially with other tasks on going as well. We also had to consider that impersonating David Bowie was no easy thing and we were ware that the scenes with Jack may come across quite out of place and gimmicky, but most people in the group wanted that idea to remain in, so we all went fourth together to create it. I also was to familiar with David Bowie’s song and had to look into it and David as a whole when creating the script so I could get a better understanding of what the song was all about.

Health and safety was for operating of the equipment that if not use correctly could cause harm. In the filming process one of the screens of a monitor got cracked, due to no one’s fault, the stand holding it up, just collapsed and the screen cracked due to this, the techs were informed right away and because we had our risk assessment and they could see it was no one’s fault, we weren’t in trouble. If we hadn’t had the risk assessment, we would have had to face repercussions from equipment being broken while in use.


Walley, C. (2018). How to write a music video script [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Top Pop. (2015).  David Bowie – Rebel Rebel • TopPop [Internet Video]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Music Video Pitch

Idea’s behind the Inspiration Video


Music Video Script Idea


The And En presentation

350 Words

For this task we had to come up with a pitch for a music video for a new and upcoming band. We had to consider that the band only had a very small budget of £500 and we had to keep it realistic as it was something that we had to be able to create if need be.

We all agreed that the band had a very 60’s vibe to them. They didn’t sound like a poppy, hip band. We all got vibes such as Mercy by Duffy or a little bit of Amy Winehouse, especially the video for Duffy and the video of Valerie that Amy performed with Mark Ronson! We wanted our video to be empowering to women and have the vibes that the previous two artists gave in the respective videos that were mentioned. We also got a Great Gatsby vibe from the band as well and could envision that kind of set up.

Me, Mhairi and Sam worked on a script, I wrote it out and then handed it to Mhairi who then made her changes and then she handed it to Sam to make his changes. We came up with the idea of a woman singing on stage to a single man in the audience, the woman is singing this song to him and by the end of it she breaks up with him.

I also created a video that showcased the artists and films that inspired us to go with the idea that we had. It also added an extra layer to the overall presentation.

The challenge we faced here was making sure our idea would work for the budget that the band had. This is where we all disagreed for a little while in our group as people didn’t think0 the idea we ended up with would work with he budget that the band had. However, we ended up going through our options for locations that could be used and people who felt unsure were more optimistic about the ability to create the music video.

Health and Safety weren’t an issue here as we weren’t going anywhere and simply used computers to create a presentation.


Duffy. (2009). Duffy – Mercy [Internet Video]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Music Hits BR. (2017) Mark Ronson, Amy Winehouse – Valerie [Clipe Oficial] (Legendado/Tradução) [Internet Video]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

The Great Gatsby. (2013) [Film]. Directed By Baz Luhrmann. Australia, USA. Warner Bros.

Advertorial for Dr Martens

Script Progression

Doc Martens Script 1

Doc Martens Script 2

Doc Martens Script 3 (Final)

Story Boards


350 Words

For this task we had to come up with an Advertorial that showcased an item and how it is used. My group decided to go down the Dr Martens route as three of the members of the group wore them, was passionate about them and we had ease of access to use them.

Some challenges we faced here was our own imagination, we came up with a detailed idea, that we put a lot of thought into. I think we didn’t realise the amount of time it would take to pull off and with all our other projects going on at the same time, we couldn’t quite pull off what we had planned. We had four separate shoots, and these weren’t enough to get everything filmed. So, we ended up missing part of our story of the advertorial out and instead had to edit around this. From the final edit you can see where the story was going and what our overall message was. Sadly, the fully realised idea we had on paper didn’t quite make it on to screen.

But I am still super happy with how my version of the edit came out. I put a lot of work and effort into all aspects of this project, my main task on this project was to write the script, which Mhairi helped with by checking over each draft and adding her ideas in, I used a Buffy the Vampire Slayer script book to check any aspects of the script that I was unsure of to write. We went through about four or five different scripts till we got to where we were happy with. I was on set helping out with filming, through any way I could and then I went edit crazy and created something I am proud of. It’s a great accomplishment and it’s great knowing that all my hard work and energy made something great.

I don’t know much about Dr Martens, so I had to do my research into the product. I found out that they are a very durable shoe, ones that can last you for years and years. Especially when you look at how the shoe started being a work man’s boot. I wanted this aspect to come through in my edit, I wanted it to feel like the shoe was one that you’d go on adventures wearing. I feel I managed to get that across. “Dr. Martens were originally a modest work-wear boot that was even sold as a gardening shoe at one stage. So, how did this utilitarian boot transform into one of the most culturally relevant brands of the modern era? It is an interesting and unique story…” (Dr Martens. 2019)

Health and Safety for this was assessed through our risk assessment, we knew we would be in a multitude of different areas, each with their own risks to us, equipment and public. We made sure we got all this across in the risk assessment and that our lecturer was happy to sign off on this, which they were.

Dr Martens. (2019). Dr. Martens a History of Rebellious Self Expression [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Joss Whedon. (2001). Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Script Book – Season 1. Volume 1. 1st edition. USA. Pocket Books.

York Travel Vlog and Instagram Vlog


Instagram Vlog

350 Words

For this task we had to create a vlog that was three minutes in duration and then a shorter one minute long one for Instagram. These vlogs would showcase York, we had to make it appeal to newcomers of York and the younger generation. So, we had to make the vlog upbeat and capture York in a few different ways. York is a very historical place and we needed to capture that whilst making it appealing.

The challenge that started here first was the amount of footage and places we would have to visit. Visiting new and old places to get a nice contrast and to make it young but also keep York’s history in it and make it appealing to newcomers. I think we managed this well. It just took us a few different shoots to do, so we had all the footage we wanted.

An issue for me was that I wasn’t trained on the Jig and Track due to being ill on the day tech sessions took place, so it limited the types of equipment I could use on the days of filming. When using this equipment, I took on the role of runner, which although not the most fun of roles, was needed on the days of shooting as there was a lot of equipment and everyone needed a helping hand on the set with something or another. Seeing as I lacked the experience needed to operate this equipment it made sense. But it was great to see the equipment in use by everyone else and I feel I’d learned a nice amount about them both and how they work through watching my group use them.

When researching about York I found a great site called York:PM, it listed a bunch of information on York’s past and had lists for restaurants and pubs that are all in York, hotels and things to do as well. It was a great site to aid in the navigation and planning of where to visit. “Your guide to What’s On, Where to Eat, What to Do and Where to Stay in York” (York:PM. 2019)

The equipment was quite a nightmare to carry around, I wasn’t expecting stuff to be so heavy to haul over York. It limited the distance we could travel on our first day of filming, thankfully on the next shooting day we were prepared for it and opted to use a car to get us around. I think we needed better planning out, as our group, seeing as we are in York and know it well though t we could just go to each area whenever and film, it turned out to not be the case. I think a better thought out plan would have seriously made production a lot smoother than it was.

With exploring York in the public and manoeuvring heavy equipment, there was a lot of potential risk involved for us and the public. We created a risk assessment that highlighted all the possible problems that could cause risk in our shoot and got it signed off by out lecturer.



York:PM. 2019. York:PM [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

MVP Travel Briefs and Presentation


YouTube Sponsorship’s Brief

GoPro Brief

Christmas Ad Brief


MVP Presentation

My Thoughts

For this project, in groups, we we’re tasked with creating a presentation that showcased 3 thought out ideas that would help a company bring in customers. We had to pitch these ideas to a company called ZigZag and we were representing one of the clients that partners with ZigZag. We choose to do MVP Travel because one of the members of our group had previously worked for them and it gave us some inside knowledge to use to our advantage when coming up with the ideas

We came up with the ideas of an Advert surrounding a GoPro, a Christmas ad and then YouTube Sponsorships. I came up with the YouTube idea and focused in on that more than anything else as I was one of the few who watched YouTube religiously and knew all the ins and outs of it.

The difficulties came here with us knowing that MVP Travel only had a small budget, so any big productions were out of the question, all out idea’s had to be realistic and ones that we ourselves, if needed could create. My main concern was presenting to a large audience, public speaking isn’t my strong point so I was nervous, I looked around online for information that may help, I found this which I tried to apply “So to speak to a large audience, get certain about what you stand for. And stand for it. Be unapologetic.” (Ginger. 2013)

What I gained from this was invaluable, the opportunity to practise pitching to professionals and get feedback from them is something I will use in my day to day life. It gives me the stepping stones needed for when I do pitches like this career wise, I am prepared for what may come. I know that when I do a pitch I must be organised, have done my research, put my all into it and be excited about the ideas I am pitching, which is exactly what I was like with this.

The feedback I gained from ZigZag was great, however I do disagree that YouTube’s working for commission won’t work to easily. I know that GirlGamerGab and James Charles a small and a massive youtuber both do commission-based ads on their channels regularly.

Health and safety weren’t an issue with this task as we were just making a presentation, so no risks were involved so neither was a risk assessment.


GGGab. (N/A). GirlGamerGab [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

JamesCharles. (N/A). James Charles [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]

Ginger. 2013. How to speak to a large audience [Internet]. Available from [Accessed on 15/1/2019]